Prague Photo Gallery

Prague is a beautiful city! We enjoyed our stay here so much. One of the oldest bridges in the world, The Charles Bridge, started in the 1300’s. An enormous castle, featured in another post. Wonderful architecture, lovely scenery, great weather, reasonable prices. Wow! It was hard to say, “Goodbye” when it was time to go. Hope you enjoy the pics.

London, Stonehenge & Greenwich England Photo Gallery

You’re Never Too Old To Stay in a Hostel–Castle Rock Hostel

Say the word “hostel” and most people see a mental picture of teenagers sleeping in bunk beds, 12 to a room. Most people don’t realize that Hostels today often cater to an older traveler. Private rooms, free breakfast, reasonable prices, unique decor and other activities make hostels an attractive option for seniors traveling on a budget. Make no mistake, hostels are not the Radison but the quirky differences can add to the charm of a hostel stay. The Castle Rock Hostel, in Edinburgh, Scotland was right across the street from Edinburgh Castle. It’s a good example of what I am talking about. Our room was up a lot of steps and was not much bigger than our closet at home. But take a look at these pictues and I think you will see why we LOVED our stay.




























Potsdam Photo Gallery

Chinese Tea House

Sansoucci Palace

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